Our Purpose

Our Goal and Purpose

GICG is a 501(c)(3) faith-based, nonprofit organization that uses its voice to provide spiritual, emotional, and financial guidance to established community groups who focus on improving the wellness and concerns of the of their community. What happens to the lives of one neighborhood affects those in another, just as what happens in a child's life affects the lives of other children and their families. By providing for our youth, we provide for the community at large overall. Only when we let compassion be the root source that drives our hearts, are we able to help our youth build upon their character, communication skills, and leadership capabilities.

We are here to guide our children and youth into a legacy and welfare of a multicultural community by providing continuing educational, religious, cultural, and psychological forums along with specialized training. These principles inject an incentive of self-improvement, self-sufficiency, self-efficiency, self-determination, and self-esteem into cultural identities and social systems. We also pride ourselves on the provision of assistance for mental health, health care, social rehabilitation, and senior citizen programs to disadvantaged, and low-income individuals without discrimination of color, race, creed, or gender.

Livingston Guatemala 2018

Trujillo, Honduras 2018

Limon Honduras 2018